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Monday 25 April 2011

Club Penguin Rockhopper Tracker April 2011 Chat!

Hello Penguins,

Rockhopper is now online on the Club Penguin Island and we are going to help you find him! All you need to do is come to this Rockhopper Tracker! Lets see some hints and tips and even some new items Rockhopper is giving out to all penguins.

Rockhopper has a brand New background! Lets have a look!

Rockhopper Tracker:



Use the chat to help you track Rockhopper

trackingle.png (572\'d7166)\
Welcome to the Club Penguin Rockhopper Tracking Chat!
Below are some tips to help you find Rockhopper:
1. When tracking Rockhopper, make sure that you are checking major servers such as Mammoth, Abominable, and Blizzard.
2. Rockhopper is constantly on the move, switching servers every 15 minutes or so. Make sure to keep that in mind when you are tracking him.
3. Take a look in the Migrator, Pizza Parlor, and Cove. These are the Rooms that Rockhopper is known to be active in.
4. Rockhopper is a red penguin with a pirate hat and beard. He is usually a tad larger than the other penguins, so spotting him shouldnt be a problem.
5. If you are faced with large crowds, make sure to check your \room list. This list shows you every penguin in the same room as you. If you see Rockhopper, his avatar will be smiling.
6. Last, have fun and keep trying. We know it is not easy but with our tips and chat, you will be on your way to finding Rockhopper!


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